What to Bring to Hospital
Bring anything you like to make yourself comfortable during labour, your favourite pillow, snacks, music, oil. etc. There are only a few items that you are not able to bring, including a hot water bottle, heat packs and any candles with naked flames.
Antenatal pregnancy record
All current medication
Cash & change
Mobile phone & charger
Casual wear for daytime
Extra bag or two for transporting extra’s home
Hair care products: hair ties, hair clips, brush, etc
Music & magazines
Notepaper & pen
Nursing supplies, including a maternity bra if you are choosing to breastfeed
Water bottle
Medicare card
Night wear
Toiletries, including deodorant, shampoo, body wash etc
Toothpaste & toothbrush
Three to four packets of maternity pads
Baby clothes
Baby wraps
Care seat installed in car for travel home
Nappies & wipes