Writing a Birth Plan

Writing a birth plan can be a helpful and empowering activity, allowing you to think about your goals and priorities. My job is, above all, to keep you and your family safe, and endeavour to facilitate the kind of birth you would like. The best birth plans I have seen are clear, kind and flexible. This particular birth plan is one of the best I have seen.

  • Natural birth, no medications

  • Induction if necessary

  • Use birth skills to cope with labour pain:

    • Legs: stomping, walking, & marching. If laying on side, bring top leg up & slide down along other leg

    • Breathing: inhale through nose, exhale through mouth. Fill up diaphragm, visualise oxygen entering the body, reaching baby & cervix opening with each breath

    • Voice: use if desired, “ahhhhh” noise, or whatever comes naturally. Experiment with volume & pitch

    • Sensory stimulation: if in bed try balls, textures, etc

    • Whatever skill is being used, remember to match the pain of a contraction with an action. Take action at the first sign of a contraction, use up adrenaline, don’t let it build up

  • I may change my mind once the process begins and this is okay

  • If requesting medication, start with least risky/impactful medication first

  • I am open to whatever needs to happen to keep myself and my baby healthy and have a smooth delivery

Tips for my birth partner:

  • Positive reinforcement, such as “you’re doing great”, “almost there”, “you’ve got this!”

  • Gently remind me of my birth skills, unless I say “enough!”

  • Don’t take anything I say personally

  • Take photos & videos & ensure phones are charged

  • Help me in whatever way I need at the time, such as massage, cold/hot washer, water, ice, etc

  • Send my family updates when appropriate.